Pricing and cost breakdown


On the Fursuit front , I am here to design and create a fursuit for you. whether it be a full suit, partials or individual pieces such as paws (hand and/or foot), tails.  Starting with pre-made suits, parts,  my aim is to provide unique costumes on comission.




My evolution is slow at the moment as i am testing techniques and practicing to ensure a sturdy quality costume.


I do not want hastily made ,flimsy , fragile costumes that need to be fussed over and worried about. I want you to feel free to go crazy and enjoy your costume to the fullest. This is achieved with  a sturdy soft reinforced foam base,  double hand and machine stitching the fur, then finally set in glue.


Quality Faux Furs are carefully selected from suppliers.

Techniques to use resin and sillicone moulds insure the fabrication of the smaller items such as the teeth, tongue, claws... etc.will be used but not just yet. At the moment i can outsource them if particularly desired.


Prices will obviously vary depending on these materials,I will not pick lower quality fur to lower price.



These estimates may still vary as I am still evaluating time taken and all the business side details!, Also prices at the beginning will be slightly lower they will still be the first costumes so still a bit of trial and error to get to your perfect furry.PRICES will be reviewed JANUARY 2024. After, BE AWARE, I WILL ADJUST PRICES every 6 months to match my experience.


These estimates are based on more common species, such as canine, feline ... with 3 colour designs with large simple markings, static jaw.  Obviously the choice of fur will affect the price. I prefer to get quality fur to ensure that the fursuit will last properly.


Prices will range from:


HEADS : 900+  euros


PARTIALS : 1700+  euros

FULLSUITS simple, plantigrade : 2700+ euros

FULLSUITS digitigrade: 2900+ euros



There will be extras such as:

Multiple colours 3 +

More complex designs


extra large tails....

Horns ...


Calculating costs

For those who find prices high,  Please note that these costumes are made from scratch.

The magic takes hard work , a lot of time , materials and tools.


Cost includes:

- The averaged materials used and the means of acquiring them
- Business cost share (this covers all the location (rent for workshop/ part of home rent for area used only for business), equipment/ tools, website and upgrades, cards, publicity/marketing  expenses,  admin expenses)
- Hourly manual labour salary and holiday entitlement (10%  "congés payés" following the french system)  hourly salary is chosen to seem appropriate considering that I am also running a business and all that time spent on the business that is not actually being accounted for per hour). Time is pretty much doubled! especially for a starting business and this is not counted in final price.
-Fees for paypal or etsy when concerned

- Margin and benefit so that the business can be viable and survive.


- Share of taxes

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